Everlasting Joy or the Life and Adventures of B. Spinoza as Reported by His Vigilant Neighbors Afis

Everlasting Joy or the Life and Adventures of B. Spinoza as Reported by His Vigilant Neighbors Afis

Everlasting Joy or the Life and Adventures of B. Spinoza as Reported by His Vigilant Neighbors

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"Everlasting Joy or the Life and Adventures of B. Spinoza as Reported by His Vigilant Neighbors" 85 dakika drama 1996, yönetmen Yigal Bursztyn. Ana oyuncu kadrosu şu isimlerden oluşuyor Liat Goren, Alexander Peleg, Ofra Weingarten ve Ariel Zilber.

Everlasting Joy or the Life and Adventures of B. Spinoza as Reported by His Vigilant Neighbors


  • Başlık: Everlasting Joy or the Life and Adventures of B. Spinoza as Reported by His Vigilant Neighbors
  • Yıl: 1996
  • Türler: Drama
  • Süre: 1h 25m

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